klik link dibawah ini untuk dowmload :
Tracing Circles - Set of small and big circlesTracing Shapes - Square, Rectangle, Triangle and Circle
Tracing Triangles - Draw and trace triangles and rectangles
Color Shapes - Squares, Rectangles, Triangles and Circles
Color Shapes - Color big and small Shapes
Color Shapes - Ovals, Stars, Basic Shapes
Circles/Triangles - Recognize the Circles and Triangles
Color/Counting - Stars, Ovals, Basic Shapes
Counting Shapes - Basic Shapes
Counting Shapes - Geometry Color Fun
Counting Shapes - Count the basic shapes in each figure
Drawing Shapes - 4 basic Shapes
Match Shapes - Match objects with basic shapes
Terima Kasih kami ucapkan kepada para Guru karena telah sempat berkunjungi pada artikel Belajar matematika dalam bahasa Inggris Geometri worksheets, semoga bermanfaat. Salam Guru Honorer!
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